CABA Conservative Agents' Annual Lunch 24th October 2023 Current and retired Agents and CABA's friends and supporters are welcome to join us for our Annual Lunch, at a central London location. There is a Reception...
Conservatives Abroad Reception and Gala Dinner 5th October 2023 From 7 pm International Reception & Gala Dinner Conservatives Abroad is the British Conservative Party's global network of members and supporters living overseas. All...
Young Conservatives Drinks 3rd October 2023 7 - 8:30 pm Two Cities YC Get Together Young Conservatives drinks with the Two Cities and friends. Get together with like-minded young people. Hosted by the Cities of...
The London Reception at the Conservative Party Conference 2nd October 2023 #CPC23: The London Reception The London Regional Officers, Clare Hambro, Martin Hislop and Scott Pattenden have pleasure in inviting you to The London Region...
Two Cities Tapas! 1st October 2023 7 - 8:30 pm Two Cities Tapas! Sunday Night Tapas with the Two Cities and friends. Run in partnership with Conservatives Abroad Spain. Selection of delicious tapas and...
Sunday Lunch at Conference 1st October 2023 1 - 3:30 pm Sunday Lunch at Conference Join us for Sunday Lunch and drinks at Conference 2023! We're pleased to be hosting our Sunday Lunch at Conference again this October...
Eve of Conference Dinner 30th September 2023 From 7 pm Eve of Conference Dinner Get in the mood for Conference with dinner and drinks among like-minded party members. The Cities of London a Westminster Conservatives...
#CPC23 Conservative Party Conference 30th September 2023 We're back in Manchester for the Conservative Party Conference from Sunday 1st October to Wednesday 4th October
World’s Biggest Coffee Morning in aid of Macmillan Cancer Support 29th September 2023 From 10 am Charity Coffee Morning to support Macmillan Cancer Research.
Video Call with Devizes MP Danny Kruger MBE 28th September 2023 1400 BST Join Conservatives Abroad and Devizes MP Danny Kruger virtually. Conservative Party Members and Patrons worldwide are invited to join a Microsoft Teams call...
YC Summer BBQ 27th September 2023 6:30 - 9 pm YC Summer BBQ + Freshers' Week Meet & Greet! Join us for a fun evening of informal networking and socialising during the '23 uni freshers' week. We'd love to...
Failing or flourishing, how is Britain’s environment? 12th September 2023 6:45 - 9 pm A special stand-alone talk on the UK's environmental and sustainability prospects, from one of the government's leading ministers in the field.