Many of our Churchill Ward residents enjoy the facilities provided by the Queen Mother Sports Centre. You now have an opportunity to comment on the future of the QM and the surrounding area.
There is a growing and significant amount of developer interest in the area with companies buying up buildings near to the QM. In response to this situation, Westminster City Council has produced a ‘Development Opportunity Framework’ (DoF). This is a policy framework, which outlines to developers guidelines as to what the Council will expect from applications to benefit the wider community and area. The DoF is not a master plan but rather a vision setting out the priorities for the area. An outstanding sports facility must be one of these.
The QM is now over 30 years old. Those of us who regularly use it recognise it is in need of updating. However, nothing is likely to happen for 10 years but we need to protect the area. You can find out more and have your say by going to The deadline for responding is 28th October.