Member of Parliament for the Cities of London & Westminster, Nickie Aiken, held her second roundtable with housing providers and associations from across the Two Cities to tackle the most pressing issues that matter to local people.
Commenting afterwards, Nickie said,
"I've just finished chairing my second Housing Provider Roundtable here in the Commons. Bringing together housing providers from across the Two Cities, including L&Q, Peabody, and the City of London housing team and other smaller providers. Frustratingly, Westminster City Council failed to turn up again. They didn't come to the first one and I will be taking that up. But I found the discussion really useful, and those attending did too.
"We talked about anti-social behaviour, damp and mould, waiting lists, fire safety and a host of other issues. If you do have a housing issue, please do contact me and I will do all I can to help you."
If you have an issue you'd like to raise with Nickie, please get in touch.