Your ward councillors continue to work with the local police and the council’s neighbourhood crime reduction team to ensure crime and anti-social behaviour is tackled effectively. There are a number of ways that residents can help ensure the area remains safe. One of these is by setting up a Neighbourhood Watch scheme. They are an excellent way to bring neighbours closer together, helps reduce crime and the perception of crime, strengthens links with the local police and council teams and improved the area. If you are interested in finding out more you can contact Westminster's Neighbourhood Watch Coordinator on 020 7641 2117 or [email protected].
Warwick Ward Councillor Nickie Aiken, who is also the Cabinet Member for Community Protection, said: “Ensuring our streets are safe is a top priority for me and the Council. As your local councillors we know how important it is to keep our community in Pimlico a safe place to live. Anyone who is being affected by ASB is welcome to contact either one of us directly or contact the local police safer neighbourhood team on 020 7321 6907.”
Warwick News