Local councillors Alan Bradley, Nick Evans and Angela Harvey are joining colleagues in Churchill Ward in a community campaign to save Lupus Street Post Office.
Conservative Westminster has done everything in its power to help the Royal Mail Crown Post Office in Lupus Street. Residents do more Council business at this branch than any other. Some people having been saying the possible closure is something to do with putting the rent up on the Post Office: the truth is, the Council’s frozen the rent for five more years, which we didn't have to do, to help them keep this vital branch open. Over time, we see the Post Office as being more of a vital space for the community than ever. Cutting big branches like this one will only lose them business.
"The Lupus Street Post Office is key to a lot of people’s lives in Tachbrook. We are working closely with colleagues in Churchill Ward to save this branch” commented Cllr Nick Evans. Councillors are working closely with Post Office decision-makers, to show them how vital the Lupus St Post Office is, and to get across the strength of resident objections.
Local Conservative Peter Cuthbertson commented: "The post offices on Lupus Street and Vauxhall Bridge Road are very widely used and vital to the local community. This campaign to keep local post offices open is backed by the whole community, including other political parties, and we welcome that support."
Tachbrook News